Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More places I will never go

HEY GUYS! I really want to go here: The Movie Tavern at Mill Run. This used to be the awesome Cinemark Movies 12; I used to misbehave there as a wee lass of 11 or 12. By the time I was in high school all the cool kids were going to Easton and the Lennox, so Movies 12 kind of fell by the wayside. Business had picked back up again with the pre-drivers' license set in recent years, but apparently it got sold and turned into this place where you eat your dinner while you watch the movie. I know it seems like it might not be the best idea, and I wouldn't want to go there all the time, but I would really like to at least try it. Any takers? I was thinking it would be a good place to see an Ocean's 13 type movie; something not too serious that doesn't require your constant attention.

Here are some other places I want to go this summer:
New India Restaurant on Bethel (lunch buffet!)
United Skates of America
Bowling (wherever)
Magic Mountain
The Book Loft
Karaoke (wherever)

So, seriously, let me know if any of these places interest you and we will try to plan something. I am like oh-for-a-billion so far on my big summer plans. I am not good at arranging things, but I have big ideas! Haha. Not really.


Jared Cherup said...

I'm game. Let me know when you are going to any of the aforementioned. I will be there!

Unknown said...

I'm in need of something fun to do. Let me know... the Book Loft is an awesome place by the way..

Erica said...

Yes yes yes. Count me in on everything.