Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lolz 'n' linkz

Last week I was on Slate, with the sole intention of reading Dear Prudence--I've lately developed a seriously unstable obsession with reading advice columns, blogs, and forums. Please feel free to make suggestions as to what that says about my psyche. Uh, anyway. I happened to see this column called "You cannot resist lolcats," and, seeing as how I in fact cannot resist said lolcats, I clicked on it.

The slide show isn't super informative, but it does have some interesting tidbits. For example, I was surprised and strangely excited to see people writing about lolcat grammar. I also discovered the hilarious saga of the lolrus--read it from the bottom up if you're not familiar with the story. And finally, because somebody out there loves me, I discovered that there is such a thing as the lolbrarian: post some fucking catalogers! God, how I love that. What tiny portion of the population loves lolcats and also gets librarian jokes? Not enough, I say.

One other link that I wanted to post (hopefully I didn't already do this) is to this page, where you can view a list of Texas death row inmates' last meal requests, going as far back as the 80s. I don't know why, but I could read that for hours. I find it incredibly fascinating. You probably don't, but that's why this is my blog and not yours.

1 comment:

Erica said...

oh man, this post has kept me entertained for DAYS.

the most interesting meal i saw (i didn't look back that far... yet) was from a guy executed on 10/22/01: "1 bag assorted jolly ranchers."