Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Long lines can be taxing

I finally mailed my federal tax stuff in today. Yes, on the last possible day. Believe it or not, I usually do get that stuff in earlier, but this year I had kind of started it and then forgot about it. In any case, I drove over to the post office thinking that it would be pretty quick to drop it in the mail. I didn't have any stamps, but I figured I would just buy one from the vending machine, no problem. Well, the stupid single stamp part of the machine was sold out. Sold out! On tax day. Do they not realize that a shit-ton of people are going to be coming in needing a stamp today? That is ridiculous. I finally decided that I would just suck it up and buy a whole book of stamps, even though I almost never use them. I soon realized, however, that the stupid machine gives you dollar coins as change, and I only had a 20 on me. I do not want 12 stupid dollar coins in my wallet, and I do not want to have to spend the next two weeks explaining what a dollar coin is every time I try to buy something..."No, really, it's a real coin. It's a dollar. No, I know it kind of looks like a quarter, but I promise you, it's a dollar. Like, a regular dollar. No, no, you don't need to call your supervisor over..." God. So I got in line, like a chump. I think I was the only person there mailing their tax stuff, but the line was hella long. Everyone had packages. Maybe you don't mail your package on tax day, ok? It's kind of a big day for the post office. It's gonna be busy. Wait till tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can buy your postage online and schedule a pickup.

Most of the people probably were buying for taxes too.. and I bet the machine was full, until all the tax people came in and bought the stamps.