Thursday, September 18, 2008


I know I've posted here before with tales of baking woe, but today I have a success story!! One of my co-workers is leaving the library, so we were bringing in food today. She's a vegan, so I figured it was finally time to break out my Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World cookbook. I originally was planning to make lemon macadamia cupcakes, but last night I realized that the recipe called for a bunch of ground macadamia nuts, and I don't have a coffee grinder or a food processor or anything like that. So I decided to go with basic chocolate and do the variation that turns them into cookies and cream cupcakes.

They came out SO perfect! I took them out of the oven right at 18 minutes, and they were just right: toothpick came out dry, cute little rounded tops. I made the frosting this morning, and it was also great. It was tasty and a perfect consistency for spreading. When I finally got to work and could try one, I was not disappointed. They were moist, chocolatey, and just basically delicious. I was so happy! I know part of the reason they worked out is because I've moved and have a better oven, but my co-worker Cassie also suggests that the vegan gods were smiling down on me. Haha, who knows! I may actually make another batch because I still have half a package of Newman-Os (yum) and a bunch of soy milk (not so yum) sitting around.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Yay! They sound delicious. Maybe you will have to make them again sometime when I will be around...?