Monday, March 24, 2008

A rude awakening

Sometime after six this morning I woke up from a very real and scary dream about somebody coming into my work, taking hostages, and trying to kill a whole lot of customers and staff. It was really intense and actually made me nervous about going in today. Later on I found out that at exactly that same time, someone was getting beaten very soundly and thoroughly in the head with a pipe right outside the back door of my work. A bloody hat, a bloody knife, and video surveillance tell the whole story, but I don't really have all the details.

Say what you will about the coincidence between the dream and the beating; it happens to me a lot, but logically I know that it's crazy to try to draw any really connections between the two. Regardless of all that, though, I find it kind of disturbing that somebody got jumped like that right on the sidewalk at my job, just a couple of hours before we start showing up for work. Most people were kind of making light of it, but it seemed pretty serious to me. Maybe if I work there for a couple more years, things like this will just be normal. I'll let you know, I guess.


Erica said...

Wow, that's some scary shit. Was the person killed? Or just beat up pretty badly?

I have things like that happen to me as well, but I also assume they are just coincidences. It can still be freaky, though. I was once at a wedding and had this overwhelming feeling that something was about to go wrong. I even leaned over and told Daphne what I was thinking. A minute or so later, one of the groomsmen passed out. Coincidence? Probably. Weird? Definitely.

Chaser said...

No, the guy did not die. I mean, as far as I know. At one point he was able to get up and run away, so...he must have been somewhat okay.