Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Content-free update

Erm...hey y'all. Been a while. Here's what happened: I had plans to do a big San Diego blog in order to bore everybody with the minute details of our vacation. I kept putting it off though, because I ended up telling those details to so many people in the days after the trip that I was actually boring myself. But I didn't want to blog anything else before I did the SD blog, because it seemed like it would be dumb then do go back and do it. I think it's become clear though that it's not happening at this point. In short, it was incredibly fun, we ate lots of good food and wore ourselves out seeing just about everything there is to see in San Diego. Here are my photos if you're interested and haven't seen them yet.

I haven't been up to much else since I last blogged, I'm sure. I'm hoping for a promotion at work but starting to think they might leave the job posted forever instead of giving it to anybody. I tried the Friday flavors at Pink Moon (new favorite: coconut). I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock. Finally found some dress pants that fit. Still itchy. You know me. Hopefully I'll be writing here more often; contain your excitement, kittens.

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